I have compared multiple recipes for pizza sauce from people who have made pizza sauce most typical of that used in New York pizzerias. It differs from Italian pizza sauce in that it is a bit thinner and sweeter. The brands of tomato sauce are those used by the majority of New York style pizzerias throughout the country. You don’t have to make 28 ounces. One quarter (7 oz) is enough sauce for an extra large pizza and you may find 8 ounce cans of these brands.
28 Oz high quality (Red Pack, Cento, or Stanislaus 7/11) crushed tomatoes straight out of the can (do not dilute). Red Pack is most preferable. You can get smaller size Red Pack cans down to 8 Oz if you want to make less at a time, but the smaller sized cans are harder to find.
Salt - 1/2 tsp
Ground pepper - 1/2 tsp
Sugar - 3 tsp
Fresh oregano - 3 tsp
Pressed garlic - 1/4 tsp (about 1/3 of a clove)
Fresh basil leaves - 14 leaves
Extra virgin olive oil - 3 tsp (may be omitted from sauce and drizzled on top of pizza before baking)
DO NOT COOK the sauce.
Blend all ingredients.
Pour into sealable jars such as Mason jars and refrigerate for at least 1 hr before using.
